About - "The way of the Foot"

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Well why are there websites out there? To share and promote information of any nature. This website is exactly that. It will show blog posts of things I want to share with you from my travels. Information, situations, stimuli that affect people around me and myself. I hope to gather insight on different perspectives of micro/macro balance and sustainable being.

To pursue this, I will be spending a year in South America backpacking and volunteering. Goal of my travels will be to clear my mind from pollution through fear propaganda and consumerism. My path will take me through Patagonia Chile, starting in the North and hiking South all the way to the Southern cross. From there I would like to travers to Tierra del Fuego and maybe catch a boat even further South. I will be posting details of my travels on my blog as often as possible considering my actual goals and resources. So stay tuned!.

As my budget is quite limited and I don't have any form of income, I will be working for accomodation and volunteering wherever I find a suitible project. I found that the work for travel website workaway.info has many hosts pursuing a similar lifestyle that I myself am searching for. I came across a few projects already that focus on sustainable living and preservation of nature. Working with different types of people from different cultures and heritages turned out to be quite difficult and also meant backing away from some of my preferred habits to be able to live alongside them. Although I am quite flexible, I do have some "rules" I myself must follow as of not to stray from my intended path. These can be expressed in the following list of my Do's and Don'ts.

  • Openmindedness: If I don't know about it or havn't experienced it, I cannot judge. Therefore I am open to trying out new things that are embedded in a culture or society. That doesn't mean I'll simple try out anything a single person proposes to me, but if it has cultural roots, it makes sense to participate even if it is only once. For example, I learned how to slaughter a lamb for a Birthday Asado and also ate the famous chilean Nachi.
  • Moderation: Keep intake of toxins, red meat, sugar and alcohol to a minimum. This turned out to be quite difficult, as every culture I met so far has there own rituals and partys that they celebrate with meat, sugar and or alcohol. To decline any form of this is taken as an insult or an arrogant gesture. This however doesn't mean you should participate in the excess of it, merely trying a bit will suffice to show your gratitude for being invited.
  • Hygiene: Tending to my personal hygiene and that of my habitat is important to me. Personal hygene is selfexplanetory and as for the hygiene of my habitat I have a few things I look out for specially. That is, to sweep my room once daily, help out cleaning dishes and kitchen as well as the bathroom. Whether it is in a hostel or a family I'm staying with, I take part in the cleaning. I also take littering very seriously and if I find garbage laying around, I tend to pick it up and dispose of it correctly. Being a smoker it disgusts me how other people just flick away their cigarrette buds without further thought.
  • Personal Routine: For me it is important, that I wake up at a given time (Sunrise) to welcome the day. I also want to have at least hour of reading time a day and one hour for self expression (art, writing, music). This helps me keep my calmness in anotherwise ever changing enviroment from travelling to meating and living with new people.
  • Avoiding Motorized Vehicules: If I can walk I'll walk, otherwise I take the public transport. The only time I will make an exception of using personal motorized vehicules is when I am accompanying (helping) someone who uses his vehicle for work. I never rent any kind of personal vehicle for sightseeing, shopping or the such.

Although these four points seem easy to accomplish, I have strayed from them a few times so far. I will however keep working on them.

This website will function as my personal platform to contact the world a large or be contacted by. If you have any requests or ideas of what might be useful on this website, please contact me via the web form.


Websites by SAWORM: